Become a Member Today
We are glad that your journey of faith has brought you to Plymouth. As you pray and think about whether this will become your new church home, the following questions, which are part of our litany when a member joins the church, may give you an idea of how we walk with each other in our faith journey. Ponder them; prayerfully think on them.
As a disciple of Jesus, the Christ, will you follow in his path; to resist oppression and evil, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work and word of Jesus as best as you are able?
Will you share your joys and happiness, as best as you are able, with God and the Plymouth United Church community, trusting that we will celebrate with you in the joyous moments of your life?
Will you share your pain and struggles, as best as you are able, with God and the Plymouth United Church community, trusting that we will walk alongside of you during the difficult moments of life?
Will you celebrate the joyous moments and shoulder the difficult moments with your siblings here at Plymouth?
Will you, according to the grace given you, continue to study the Christian faith and maintain your faithfulness as a disciple of Jesus the Christ, celebrating Christ’s presence and furthering Christ’s healing message wherever you go?
Will you participate in the life and mission of Plymouth through sharing, challenging, encouraging, helping, supporting, and loving your neighbors in this community?
Will you participate in our Membership Covenant by striving toward the following: Attend Sunday services regularly, participate in one program each year that deepens one’s faith, be involved in one mission/service project each year, work toward a 5-10 percent charitable giving level, and tell others about Plymouth United as best as you are able?
Membership: Next Steps
If you have decided that Plymouth is the community of faith that you want to join, we have three methods of joining:
Baptism – If you would like to be baptized and join the church, you are invited to talk to our pastor.
Transfer of membership – If you are presently a member of another church and would like to transfer your membership to Plymouth, you can speak to the pastor or the Membership Sub-team leader to request your transfer of membership.
Affirmation of Faith – Simply state that you want to join but do not have a membership to transfer.
We will assign you a sponsor who will give you more information about our church and encourage you to become more involved based on your personal passions. When you choose to join us, we promise to introduce and include you on your faith’s journey with Plymouth.
You’ve visited our website, you’ve worshiped with us, and you’ve enjoyed fellowshiping with us. If you’ve decided that Plymouth United Church is for you, then we look forward to expanding our church to include you and your family.