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NAM Garden

Plymouth’s NAM and Community Garden Purpose and Rules of

The main purpose of the NAM garden is to provide fresh produce for the Joanne Watford choice pantry
at Northwest Assistance Ministries. Secondary purpose is to encourage and allow community members
to use garden beds to learn to grow produce sustainably, in accordance with Plymouth’s Missions and
Outreach Ministry. Support for the garden is provided through the NAM garden fund, which is a fund
set up to receive donations, designated for maintenance and upkeep of the garden, and supplies to
support the production of produce for the NAM pantry.
Use of the beds is free to the community. Tools, equipment and water are provided by the NAM garden
fund and are available for use by community gardeners. Any specialized equipment and tools not
normally provided by the garden are to be purchased by community gardeners at their expense.
Permanent improvements to the garden beds may be funded by the NAM Garden Fund.
Plants and seeds are provided by gardeners and/or donations from fellow gardeners. Plants are often
traded and shared with sister gardens. Plants purchased through the NAM Garden Fund must be for the
purpose of supplying produce to the NAM food pantry.
In exchange for use of the garden beds for gardeners’ personal use, a portion of the produce is to be
donated to the NAM Joanne Watford food pantry. This should be at least 1 quarter of the produce from
garden beds or can be in the form of financial donations to the NAM Garden Fund.
The garden’s master gardener maintains his own bed and determines distribution of his produce in
exchange for his labors and provision of materials to maintain the irrigation system, his donations to the
garden fund, and his expert advice and training of garden volunteers and bed users.
Requests for money from the garden fund are for improvement of the garden property, beds,
equipment and supplies needed for the production of produce for NAM pantry purposes. Spending of
garden fund money must be approved by the Missions and Outreach Team chairs.
Secondary purpose of the NAM garden is to encourage participation of church members and the
community in learning and using sustainable growing methods in support of Plymouth’s Missions and
Outreach endeavors.

NAM Garden Purpose and Rules: Get Involved
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