What is happening to us? What is happening in the U.S.? I have read comments that commended this violence as the work of God. At these words … no, at this belief … my heart explodes in pain.
In the early ’80’s I went to gay clubs to dance and be myself in a way I could not be in public. I didn’t have to explain myself or listen patiently while I was told I was going to hell or needed psychiatric treatment. I went knowing that our joy with shields down could come to an end in a moment if someone with violent intent entered our sanctuary. I danced anyway.
Now we have some laws which protect some rights of LBGTQQIAA folks.But laws don’t change hearts. Relationships change hearts. Talking through disagreements changes hearts. Listening deeply to one another – through faith and fear – changes hearts.
I ask you to pray today about this massacre at Pulse in Orlando, FL. For those who have died. For those who are injured. For those who are filled with terror. For the families of the victims. For those who need prayer in whatever way and for whatever reason.
Today is a day of deep listening to the pain of violence. Today is a day of prayer to transform hateful hearts to loving hearts. Today is a day of crying in grief for the terror that the people in Pulse experienced. Today is a day to find strength from the Sacred and Holy. Today is a day to hold the past and the present while setting our faces like flint to the future, walking in Pride and Faith. This nation we live in is not one nation, indivisible. We must work, sweat, pray, and come together shedding our hate and reaching for hope. If we believe in Liberty and Justice for all in this land we have to think, love, and live differently. Today is a day that God is weeping rainbow tears. What will we do tomorrow?