What does it mean to move forward? Whatever it means, it takes equal parts grace and will; equal parts faith and works. Going forward isn’t simply picking yourself up by your bootstraps and doing what you think you have to do. There’s a time for that kind of response, but I think it’s a temporary thing. There are lots of ways to go forward.
Whether we take a micro step or a quantum leap we are still moving. Sometimes moving forward is resolving to never “do it that way again” or to “always do it that way in the future.” More often than not, I believe that going forward is to honestly realize that you don’t know if you would do it that way or another way – if it comes up, you’ll make the decision.
We can only control so much, but what we control is important to acknowledge. We can also only decide so much, and I believe that we have to be flexible at all times.
Looking back on your year, if you had to, would you do it again? Mediate on this question in the presence of the One Who Is, who is also The One Who Was There. Don’t dodge the question, but don’t dwell on it either. Then make peace with your past. Let your experience of yourself inform your future, and then let it go as best you can. Intentionally work on letting it go so that it doesn’t become a ball and chain.
It is recorded that Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. We all know that the work of following the teachings of Christ is difficult. But maybe the burden of our Christian commitment can be lightened as we learn how to reflect and then let go. I believe that when we are stuck in the mire of cyclical reflection that we are not growing into our own divinity and we are not participating in the realization of the Realm of Heaven on earth. The good news is that you can participate in the world of the Holy.
As you reflect on this past year I hope that you can believe that you are integrated with divinity and that you participate in the collaboration of the world of the Creator and the world that was created. The Holy lives among us and we live in the Holy. In so believing, ponder your faith and your works; ponder the grace in your life and the will of your life. Ponder and then take a step.